
Healthcare | Vaccine Management Software 


UX Lead






UX Design

Project Management

As the Project Manager and Design Lead for this project, my primary responsibility was to work closely and frequently with both the developers and users to document the necessary improvements for their current system. Due to the sensitive nature of personal information, our team only had limited access to the software. However, by collaborating with users who provided us with instant feedback, we were able to make significant UX improvements and develop a design system that the development team could use to scale up the designs while keeping them modular for different states with varying requirements.  

Despite the limitations, we were able to successfully deliver a design solution that addressed the needs of the users and the system while adhering to the necessary privacy and security protocols. This project provided a valuable opportunity for me to exercise my project management and design lead skills while navigating complex challenges and constraints. I am proud of the results that we achieved as a team because we delivered a design system and responsive screens that met the needs of the CDC.

Other Works

© 2023 Jill Danielle Liao

© 2023 Jill Danielle Liao

© 2023 Jill Danielle Liao